Source code for _pytest.nodes

import os
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import py

import _pytest._code
from _pytest._code.code import ExceptionChainRepr
from _pytest._code.code import ExceptionInfo
from _pytest._code.code import ReprExceptionInfo
from _pytest._code.source import getfslineno
from _pytest.compat import cached_property
from _pytest.compat import TYPE_CHECKING
from _pytest.config import Config
from _pytest.config import PytestPluginManager
from _pytest.deprecated import NODE_USE_FROM_PARENT
from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureDef
from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureLookupError
from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureLookupErrorRepr
from _pytest.mark.structures import Mark
from _pytest.mark.structures import MarkDecorator
from _pytest.mark.structures import NodeKeywords
from _pytest.outcomes import fail
from _pytest.outcomes import Failed

    # Imported here due to circular import.
    from _pytest.main import Session  # noqa: F401

SEP = "/"

tracebackcutdir = py.path.local(_pytest.__file__).dirpath()

def _splitnode(nodeid):
    """Split a nodeid into constituent 'parts'.

    Node IDs are strings, and can be things like:

    Return values are lists e.g.
        ['testing', 'code']
        ['testing', 'code', '']
        ['testing', 'code', '', 'TestFormattedExcinfo']
    if nodeid == "":
        # If there is no root node at all, return an empty list so the caller's logic can remain sane
        return ()
    parts = nodeid.split(SEP)
    # Replace single last element '' with multiple elements '', 'Bar'
    parts[-1:] = parts[-1].split("::")
    # Convert parts into a tuple to avoid possible errors with caching of a mutable type
    return tuple(parts)

def ischildnode(baseid, nodeid):
    """Return True if the nodeid is a child node of the baseid.

    E.g. 'foo/bar::Baz' is a child of 'foo', 'foo/bar' and 'foo/bar::Baz', but not of 'foo/blorp'
    base_parts = _splitnode(baseid)
    node_parts = _splitnode(nodeid)
    if len(node_parts) < len(base_parts):
        return False
    return node_parts[: len(base_parts)] == base_parts

class NodeMeta(type):
    def __call__(self, *k, **kw):
        warnings.warn(NODE_USE_FROM_PARENT.format(name=self.__name__), stacklevel=2)
        return super().__call__(*k, **kw)

    def _create(self, *k, **kw):
        return super().__call__(*k, **kw)

[docs]class Node(metaclass=NodeMeta): """ base class for Collector and Item the test collection tree. Collector subclasses have children, Items are terminal nodes.""" def __init__( self, name: str, parent: Optional["Node"] = None, config: Optional[Config] = None, session: Optional["Session"] = None, fspath: Optional[py.path.local] = None, nodeid: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: #: a unique name within the scope of the parent node = name #: the parent collector node. self.parent = parent #: the pytest config object if config: self.config = config else: if not parent: raise TypeError("config or parent must be provided") self.config = parent.config #: the session this node is part of if session: self.session = session else: if not parent: raise TypeError("session or parent must be provided") self.session = parent.session #: filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None) self.fspath = fspath or getattr(parent, "fspath", None) #: keywords/markers collected from all scopes self.keywords = NodeKeywords(self) #: the marker objects belonging to this node self.own_markers = [] # type: List[Mark] #: allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching self.extra_keyword_matches = set() # type: Set[str] # used for storing artificial fixturedefs for direct parametrization self._name2pseudofixturedef = {} # type: Dict[str, FixtureDef] if nodeid is not None: assert "::()" not in nodeid self._nodeid = nodeid else: if not self.parent: raise TypeError("nodeid or parent must be provided") self._nodeid = self.parent.nodeid if != "()": self._nodeid += "::" +
[docs] @classmethod def from_parent(cls, parent: "Node", **kw): """ Public Constructor for Nodes This indirection got introduced in order to enable removing the fragile logic from the node constructors. Subclasses can use ``super().from_parent(...)`` when overriding the construction :param parent: the parent node of this test Node """ if "config" in kw: raise TypeError("config is not a valid argument for from_parent") if "session" in kw: raise TypeError("session is not a valid argument for from_parent") return cls._create(parent=parent, **kw)
@property def ihook(self): """ fspath sensitive hook proxy used to call pytest hooks""" return self.session.gethookproxy(self.fspath) def __repr__(self): return "<{} nodeid={!r}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, "nodeid", None) ) def __str__(self): return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, "name", None))
[docs] def warn(self, warning): """Issue a warning for this item. Warnings will be displayed after the test session, unless explicitly suppressed :param Warning warning: the warning instance to issue. Must be a subclass of PytestWarning. :raise ValueError: if ``warning`` instance is not a subclass of PytestWarning. Example usage: .. code-block:: python node.warn(PytestWarning("some message")) """ from _pytest.warning_types import PytestWarning if not isinstance(warning, PytestWarning): raise ValueError( "warning must be an instance of PytestWarning or subclass, got {!r}".format( warning ) ) path, lineno = get_fslocation_from_item(self) warnings.warn_explicit( warning, category=None, filename=str(path), lineno=lineno + 1 if lineno is not None else None, )
# methods for ordering nodes @property def nodeid(self) -> str: """ a ::-separated string denoting its collection tree address. """ return self._nodeid def __hash__(self): return hash(self.nodeid) def setup(self): pass def teardown(self): pass
[docs] def listchain(self): """ return list of all parent collectors up to self, starting from root of collection tree. """ chain = [] item = self # type: Optional[Node] while item is not None: chain.append(item) item = item.parent chain.reverse() return chain
[docs] def add_marker( self, marker: Union[str, MarkDecorator], append: bool = True ) -> None: """dynamically add a marker object to the node. :type marker: ``str`` or ``pytest.mark.*`` object :param marker: ``append=True`` whether to append the marker, if ``False`` insert at position ``0``. """ from _pytest.mark import MARK_GEN if isinstance(marker, MarkDecorator): marker_ = marker elif isinstance(marker, str): marker_ = getattr(MARK_GEN, marker) else: raise ValueError("is not a string or pytest.mark.* Marker") self.keywords[] = marker if append: self.own_markers.append(marker_.mark) else: self.own_markers.insert(0, marker_.mark)
[docs] def iter_markers(self, name=None): """ :param name: if given, filter the results by the name attribute iterate over all markers of the node """ return (x[1] for x in self.iter_markers_with_node(name=name))
[docs] def iter_markers_with_node(self, name=None): """ :param name: if given, filter the results by the name attribute iterate over all markers of the node returns sequence of tuples (node, mark) """ for node in reversed(self.listchain()): for mark in node.own_markers: if name is None or getattr(mark, "name", None) == name: yield node, mark
[docs] def get_closest_marker(self, name, default=None): """return the first marker matching the name, from closest (for example function) to farther level (for example module level). :param default: fallback return value of no marker was found :param name: name to filter by """ return next(self.iter_markers(name=name), default)
[docs] def listextrakeywords(self): """ Return a set of all extra keywords in self and any parents.""" extra_keywords = set() # type: Set[str] for item in self.listchain(): extra_keywords.update(item.extra_keyword_matches) return extra_keywords
def listnames(self): return [ for x in self.listchain()]
[docs] def addfinalizer(self, fin): """ register a function to be called when this node is finalized. This method can only be called when this node is active in a setup chain, for example during self.setup(). """ self.session._setupstate.addfinalizer(fin, self)
[docs] def getparent(self, cls): """ get the next parent node (including ourself) which is an instance of the given class""" current = self # type: Optional[Node] while current and not isinstance(current, cls): current = current.parent return current
def _prunetraceback(self, excinfo): pass def _repr_failure_py( self, excinfo: ExceptionInfo[Union[Failed, FixtureLookupError]], style=None ) -> Union[str, ReprExceptionInfo, ExceptionChainRepr, FixtureLookupErrorRepr]: fulltrace = self.config.getoption("fulltrace", False) if ( not fulltrace and isinstance(excinfo.value, fail.Exception) and not excinfo.value.pytrace ): return str(excinfo.value) if isinstance(excinfo.value, FixtureLookupError): return excinfo.value.formatrepr() if fulltrace: style = "long" else: self._prunetraceback(excinfo) if style == "auto": style = "long" # XXX should excinfo.getrepr record all data and toterminal() process it? if style is None: if self.config.getoption("tbstyle", "auto") == "short": style = "short" else: style = "long" if self.config.getoption("verbose", 0) > 1: truncate_locals = False else: truncate_locals = True try: os.getcwd() abspath = False except OSError: abspath = True return excinfo.getrepr( funcargs=True, abspath=abspath, showlocals=self.config.getoption("showlocals", False), style=style, tbfilter=False, # pruned already, or in --fulltrace mode. truncate_locals=truncate_locals, ) def repr_failure( self, excinfo, style=None ) -> Union[str, ReprExceptionInfo, ExceptionChainRepr, FixtureLookupErrorRepr]: return self._repr_failure_py(excinfo, style)
def get_fslocation_from_item( item: "Item", ) -> Tuple[Union[str, py.path.local], Optional[int]]: """Tries to extract the actual location from an item, depending on available attributes: * "fslocation": a pair (path, lineno) * "obj": a Python object that the item wraps. * "fspath": just a path :rtype: a tuple of (str|LocalPath, int) with filename and line number. """ try: return item.location[:2] except AttributeError: pass obj = getattr(item, "obj", None) if obj is not None: return getfslineno(obj) return getattr(item, "fspath", "unknown location"), -1
[docs]class Collector(Node): """ Collector instances create children through collect() and thus iteratively build a tree. """
[docs] class CollectError(Exception): """ an error during collection, contains a custom message. """
[docs] def collect(self): """ returns a list of children (items and collectors) for this collection node. """ raise NotImplementedError("abstract")
[docs] def repr_failure(self, excinfo): """ represent a collection failure. """ if excinfo.errisinstance(self.CollectError) and not self.config.getoption( "fulltrace", False ): exc = excinfo.value return str(exc.args[0]) # Respect explicit tbstyle option, but default to "short" # (_repr_failure_py uses "long" with "fulltrace" option always). tbstyle = self.config.getoption("tbstyle", "auto") if tbstyle == "auto": tbstyle = "short" return self._repr_failure_py(excinfo, style=tbstyle)
def _prunetraceback(self, excinfo): if hasattr(self, "fspath"): traceback = excinfo.traceback ntraceback = traceback.cut(path=self.fspath) if ntraceback == traceback: ntraceback = ntraceback.cut(excludepath=tracebackcutdir) ntraceback = ntraceback.filter() if ntraceback: excinfo.traceback = ntraceback
class FSHookProxy: def __init__( self, fspath: py.path.local, pm: PytestPluginManager, remove_mods ) -> None: self.fspath = fspath = pm self.remove_mods = remove_mods def __getattr__(self, name: str): x =, remove_plugins=self.remove_mods) self.__dict__[name] = x return x
[docs]class FSCollector(Collector): def __init__( self, fspath: py.path.local, parent=None, config=None, session=None, nodeid: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: name = fspath.basename if parent is not None: rel = fspath.relto(parent.fspath) if rel: name = rel name = name.replace(os.sep, SEP) self.fspath = fspath session = session or parent.session if nodeid is None: nodeid = session._node_location_to_relpath(self.fspath) if os.sep != SEP: nodeid = nodeid.replace(os.sep, SEP) super().__init__(name, parent, config, session, nodeid=nodeid, fspath=fspath) self._norecursepatterns = self.config.getini("norecursedirs")
[docs] @classmethod def from_parent(cls, parent, *, fspath): """ The public constructor """ return super().from_parent(parent=parent, fspath=fspath)
def _gethookproxy(self, fspath: py.path.local): # check if we have the common case of running # hooks with all files pm = self.config.pluginmanager my_conftestmodules = pm._getconftestmodules(fspath) remove_mods = pm._conftest_plugins.difference(my_conftestmodules) if remove_mods: # one or more conftests are not in use at this fspath proxy = FSHookProxy(fspath, pm, remove_mods) else: # all plugins are active for this fspath proxy = self.config.hook return proxy def _recurse(self, dirpath: py.path.local) -> bool: if dirpath.basename == "__pycache__": return False ihook = self._gethookproxy(dirpath.dirpath()) if ihook.pytest_ignore_collect(path=dirpath, config=self.config): return False for pat in self._norecursepatterns: if dirpath.check(fnmatch=pat): return False ihook = self._gethookproxy(dirpath) ihook.pytest_collect_directory(path=dirpath, parent=self) return True def _collectfile(self, path, handle_dupes=True): assert ( path.isfile() ), "{!r} is not a file (isdir={!r}, exists={!r}, islink={!r})".format( path, path.isdir(), path.exists(), path.islink() ) ihook = self.gethookproxy(path) if not self.isinitpath(path): if ihook.pytest_ignore_collect(path=path, config=self.config): return () if handle_dupes: keepduplicates = self.config.getoption("keepduplicates") if not keepduplicates: duplicate_paths = self.config.pluginmanager._duplicatepaths if path in duplicate_paths: return () else: duplicate_paths.add(path) return ihook.pytest_collect_file(path=path, parent=self)
class File(FSCollector): """ base class for collecting tests from a file. """
[docs]class Item(Node): """ a basic test invocation item. Note that for a single function there might be multiple test invocation items. """ nextitem = None def __init__(self, name, parent=None, config=None, session=None, nodeid=None): super().__init__(name, parent, config, session, nodeid=nodeid) self._report_sections = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] #: user properties is a list of tuples (name, value) that holds user #: defined properties for this test. self.user_properties = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, Any]] def runtest(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("runtest must be implemented by Item subclass")
[docs] def add_report_section(self, when: str, key: str, content: str) -> None: """ Adds a new report section, similar to what's done internally to add stdout and stderr captured output:: item.add_report_section("call", "stdout", "report section contents") :param str when: One of the possible capture states, ``"setup"``, ``"call"``, ``"teardown"``. :param str key: Name of the section, can be customized at will. Pytest uses ``"stdout"`` and ``"stderr"`` internally. :param str content: The full contents as a string. """ if content: self._report_sections.append((when, key, content))
def reportinfo(self) -> Tuple[Union[py.path.local, str], Optional[int], str]: return self.fspath, None, "" @cached_property def location(self) -> Tuple[str, Optional[int], str]: location = self.reportinfo() if isinstance(location[0], py.path.local): fspath = location[0] else: fspath = py.path.local(location[0]) relfspath = self.session._node_location_to_relpath(fspath) assert type(location[2]) is str return (relfspath, location[1], location[2])